Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Yesterday was nine months that Chase and I have been dating. Nine months may not seem like a long time, but honestly it has felt like a lifetime, and I have enjoyed every minute of it! So I thought I would start by explaining how the little things in life can mean the most, and how these little things that I love about Chase make everyday wonderful!

I love the way Chase laughs.
I love the faces he makes.
I love the way he grabs my hand when I least expect it, and it gives me chills.
I love how he has this soft little snore when he falls asleep.
I love how our favorite thing to do is just to sit down and talk and eat.
I love how he is so driven and smart in so many ways.
I love how we plan everything: like what our house will look like someday.
I love how he says the exact same thing to me every night before we get off the phone.
I love how in the past nine months we have seen each other every single day.
I love how he smiles and winks, and how he dances.
I love the way he gives sweet kisses.
I love how funny he is, and how no matter what the situation, he can make me laugh.
and most of all, I love the way he tells me he loves me!

I love you so much! I can not imagine one day without you in my life. 
You mean the whole world to me Chase Gannon!

This is the quote I told you on your 18th birthday, and I am saying it again now...

"If you live to be a hundred, 
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you." 

-A.A Milne


  1. TALK ABOUT TEARING UP! Yall are so sweet Haley! I honestly think yall are made for each other!I can't wait untill me and Mark are married, and then so are you and Chase! We will double date, and cook supper for each other, and then I see our kids playing together! I'm so glad you and Chase have each other because yall are perfect!

  2. I love you! I can't wait either! It's going to be Monday night dinner at yalls house and then Thursday and our house, then Saturday night out! It is going to be so much funnnn!
